Ave Maria, gratia plena,

Dominus tecum.

Benedicta tu in mulieribus,

et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus.


Sancta Maria, Mater Dei,

ora pro nobis peccatoribus

nunc et in hora mortis nostrae.


Ave Maria, cheia de Graça,

o Senhor é convosco.

Bendita sois vós entre as mulheres

e bendito é o fruto do vosso ventre, Jesus.


Santa Maria, Mãe de Deus,

rogai por nós, pecadores,

agora e na hora de nossa morte.


Gegrüßet seist du, Maria, voll der Gnade,

der Herr ist mit dir.

Du bist gebenedeit unter den Frauen,

und gebenedeit ist die Frucht deines Leibes, Jesus.


Heilige Maria, Mutter Gottes,

bitte für uns Sünder

jetzt und in der Stunde unseres Todes.


Je vous salue, Marie pleine de grâce,

le Seigneur est avec toi.

Tu es bénie entre toutes les femmes et Jésus,

le fruit de tes entrailles, est béni.


Sainte Marie, Mère de Dieu,

prie pour nous, pauvres pécheurs,

maintenant et à l'heure de notre mort.


Zdrávas Maria, milosti plná.

Pàn Bůh s Tebou,

požehna jsi mezi ženami,

a požehnaný plod života Tvého Ježiš.


Svatá, svatá Maria! Matko Boži!

 Pros za nás, za nás hřišné

nyni i v hodinu smrti naši.


Hail Mary, full of grace,

The Lord is with thee;

Blessed art thou among women

and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.


Holy Mary, Mother of God,

pray for us sinners

now and at the hour of our death.


Ave  Maria, piena di grazia,

il Signore è con te.

Tu sei benedetta fra le donne

e benedetto è il frutto del tuo seno, Gesù.


Santa Maria, Madre di Dio,

prega per noi peccatori,

adesso e nell'ora della nostra morte.





KARL MAY (Karl May)


Es will das Licht des Tages scheiden;

Es tritt die stille Nacht herein.

Ach könnte doch des Herzens Leiden

So wie der Tag vergangen sein!

Ich leg‘ mein Flehen dir zu Füßen,

o trag’s empor zu Gottes Thron.

Und lass Madonna, laß dich grüßen,

mit des Gebetes frommem Ton.

Ave Maria!


Es will das Licht des Glaubens scheiden;

Es tritt des Zweifels Nacht herein.

Das Gottvertraun der Jugendzeiten,

es soll mir weggenommen sein.

Erhalt‘, Madonna, mir im Alter

Der Kindheit frohe Zuversicht;

Schütz meine Harfe, meinen Psalter;

Du bist mein Heil, du bist mein Licht!

Ave Maria!


Es will das Licht des Lebens scheiden;

Es tritt des Todes Nacht herein.

Die Seele will die Schwingen breiten,

es muss, es muss geschieden sein.

Madonna, ach, in deine Hände

Leg ich mein letztes heißes Fleh’n:

Erbitte mir ein gläubig Ende

Und dann ein selig Auferstehn!

Ave Maria!

The daylight slowly passes by,

The quiet night begun.

O, If only pain of heart could die,

Just as the day has gone.

I lay my prayer now before you

O, raise it high to God's own throne

And dear Madonna, let her greet you

In this prayer's pious tone.

O Maria!


The light of my Belief is weaker,

The Fears of the night time waken;                               

My former faith as childish seeker

Could leave me now alone, forsaken.

O Madonna, help me keep

As adult now my childhood faith;

Protect my harp, protect my Psalter,

You are  my light, you keep me safe. 

O Maria!


The light of Life is slowly fading,

The dark of Death approaches, late;

The soul itself must spread its wings,

it must become be separate.

Madonna, oh, into your hands       

I lay my last, desperate plea.

Allow me at least a faithful end to life,

Then let me resurrected be.

O Maria!

 (translation: Walter Rotschild)






Ave Maria,

Auctrix vitae,

Reedifficando salute,

Quaemortem conturbasti,

Et serpentem contrivisti,

Ad quem se Eva erexit,

Erecta cervice

Cum sufflatu superbiae

Hunc conculcasti

Dum de celo

Filium Dei genuisti:

Quem inspiravit Spiritus Dei.

Hail Mary,

Authoress of life

Rebuilding salvation!

You confounded death

And crushed the serpent

To whom Eve rose up

With her neck stretched out,

Bloated with pride.

You trod him under foot

When from high

You bore the Son of God,

He whom the Spirit of God inspired.



Bo Wiget


Ame Mamia mmamia mmema

Momimum memum

Mememimma mu im mumiemimum,

Em mememimmum mmumm memmmim mui, Iemum.


Mammma Mamia mamem Mei

Oma mmo momim memmamomimum

Mumm em im moma mommim mommae.






Ave Maria! Jungfrau mild,

Erhöre einer Jungfrau Flehen,

Aus diesem Felsen starr und wild

Soll mein Gebet zu dir hinwehen.

Wir schlafen sicher bis zum Morgen,

Ob Menschen noch so grausam sind.

O Jungfrau, sieh der Jungfrau Sorgen,

O Mutter, hör ein bittend Kind!

Ave Maria!


Ave Maria! Unbefleckt!

Wenn wir auf diesen Fels hinsinken

Zum Schlaf, und uns dein Schutz bedeckt

Wird weich der harte Fels uns dünken.

Du lächelst, Rosendüfte wehen

In dieser dumpfen Felsenkluft,

O Mutter, höre Kindes Flehen,

O Jungfrau, eine Jungfrau ruft!

Ave Maria!


Ave Maria! Reine Magd!

Der Erde und der Luft Dämonen,

Von deines Auges Huld verjagt,

Sie können hier nicht bei uns wohnen,

Wir woll'n uns still dem Schicksal beugen,

Da uns dein heil'ger Trost anweht;

Der Jungfrau wolle hold dich neigen,

Dem Kind, das für den Vater fleht.

Ave Maria!

Ave Maria! Maiden mild!

Listen to a maiden's prayer!

Thou canst hear though from the wild;

Thou canst save amid despair.

Safe may we sleep beneath thy care,

Though banish'd, outcast and reviled –

Maiden! hear a maiden's prayer;

Mother, hear a suppliant child!

Ave Maria!


Ave Maria! undefiled!

The flinty couch we now must share

Shall seem this down of eider piled,

If thy protection hover there.

The murky cavern's heavy air

Shall breathe of balm if thou hast smiled;

Then, Maiden! hear a maiden's prayer,

Mother, list a suppliant child!

Ave Maria!


Ave Maria! stainless styled.

Foul demons of the earth and air,

From this their wonted haunt exiled,

Shall flee before thy presence fair.

We bow us to our lot of care,

Beneath thy guidance reconciled;

Hear for a maid a maiden's prayer,

And for a father hear a child!

Ave Maria!





Ave Maria!

Mutter mit dem Jesuskind,

Warst auch so eine Mutter,

Wie manche von uns sind.

Ave Maria!


Du kennst unsere Nöte,

Mutter voller Güte!

Wir bitten dich behüte

Unsere Kinder

Vor allzu großem Schaden,

Mutter voller Gnaden.


Ave Maria!

Mutter mit dem Jesukind.

Warst auch so eine Mutter,

wie manche von uns sind.


Dass gut es für sie bliebe,

Mutter aller Liebe,

Das bitten wir von Herzen

Für unsere Kinder.

Mutter aller Schmerzen.

Lasst uns blind vertrauen,

Mutter aller Frauen,

Auf die gesäten Güter,

Mutter aller Mütter!


Ave Maria!

Mutter mit dem Jesukind,

Warst auch so eine Mutter,

Wie manche von uns sind.

Ave Maria!

O Maria!

The Mother with the child Jesus,

You were also a Mother,

just as so many of us are.

O Maria!


You know our needs,

O wonderful Mother of goodness!

We beg you, protect

our children

From any great hurts,

Mother full of mercy.


O Maria!

Mother with the child Jesus,

You were also a Mother

just as so many of us are.


Let it go well for them all,

O Mother full of love.

This is what we beg of you, From deep in our hearts,

For our children.

O Mother of all pains,

let us place our trust fully in you,

O Mother of all Women,

for the goodness which has been sown inside us,

O Mother of all Mothers!


O Maria!

Mother with the Jesus child,

You were also a Mother

Just as so many of us are.

O Maria!

(translation: Walter Rotschild)



GIOACCHINO ROSSINI (Gioacchino Rossini)


(su due note)

A te che benedetta

Fra tutte sei, Maria,

Voli la prece mia,

Pura s’innalzi a te.

Maria, Maria.


Ah sì! del mio cammino

Sii la propizia stella…

Per venir teco,

Bella sarà la morte a me.

(on two notes)

Hear me, thou blessed mother.

I call to thee, Maria,

Let my devout entreaty,

Humbly arise to thee.

Maria, Maria.


Ah! Yes upon my journey

Thou art the star that guides me.

I come to join thee,

Gladly when death is calling me.



GIUSEPPE VERDI (Dante Alighieri)


Ave Regina, vergine Maria, piena di grazia,

Iddio è sempre teco,

Sopra ogni donna benedetta sia.

È 'l frutto del tuo ventre, il qual'io preco,

Che ci guardi dal mal, Cristo Gesù,

Sia benedetto, e noi tiri con seco.


Vergine benedetta, sempre tu

Ora per noi a Dio, che ci perdoni,

E diaci grazia a viver sì quaggiù.

Che 'l Paradiso al nostro fin ci doni,

Ave Maria, ora per noi a Dio, ora per noi.

Hail queen, Virgin Mary, full of grace,

God is always with you.

Above all women may you be blessed.

And blessed be the fruit of your womb,

Jesus Christ, to whom I pray

That he may keep us from evil and draw us unto him.


Blessed Virgin pray always to God for us,

That he may pardon us

And give us the grace to live here below

That he may, at the end, give us Paradise

Hail Mary, pray to God for us, pray for us.



RUDOLF WEINWURM (nach Ihrer Majestät der Kaiserin und Königin Elisabeth


After Her Imperial Majesty and Queen Elisabeth )


O breite deine Arme aus,

Maria, die wir grüssen!

Leg‘ schützend sie auf dieses Haus

Im Thal, zu deinen Füssen!

O segne unser Vaterland!

Mag rings der Sturm auch wüthen,

Dein Schutz sei ihm das feste Band,

Voll Gnaden wirst du’s hüten!

Gegrüsst sei’st du, Maria,

Du bist voll der Gnaden,

Der Herr ist mit dir,

Du bist gebenedeit unter den Weibern

Und gebenedeit ist die Frucht deines Leibes, Jesus.

Heil’ge Maria, Mutter Gottes,

Bitt‘ für uns arme Sünder

Jetzt und in der Stunde

Unseres Absterbens.


Oh open up your arms to us,

Maria, whom we greet!

Lay them gently to protect this house

In the valley, at your feet.

Oh bless our beloved Fatherland!

From every threatening storm.

May your grace and care protect it

And keep it safe and warm.

We greet you, dear Maria

For you are full of grace,

God Himself is close by you to show His holy face.

You are a precious gift for women,

And a precious gift is Jesus, the fruit of your womb,

Holy Maria, the Mother of God,

Plea for we poor sinners

Now, and in the hour

when we go to our tomb.


 (translation: Walter Rotschild)



HERIVELTO MARTINS (Herivelto Martins)


Barracão de zinco sem telhado, sem pintura

Lá no morro barracão é “bungalô”!

Lá não existe felicidade de arranha-céu,

Pois quem mora lá no morro,

Já vive pertinho do céu!

Tem alvorada, tem passarada, alvorecer,

Sinfonia de pardais anunciando o anoitecer

E o morro inteiro no fim do dia

Reza uma prece Ave Maria!


Ave Maria!

E quando o morro escurece

Elevo a Deus uma prece.

Ave Maria!

Zinc hut without roof nor painting

In the favela hut is "bungalô"!

There is no skyscraper joy there

Because who lives in the favela

Already lives pretty near to heaven

there is dawn, there are birds, daybreak

Sparrow symphony herald the dusk

and all the favela in the end of the day

Say the prayer Ave Maria!


Ave Maria!

And when the evening arises

I raise to God a prayer

Ave Maria! 

(translation: Pedro Plitek Schubert)





Per le fulgenti cupole dorate

La melodia dell'organo suonova;

Lento moriva il dì sulle vetrate;

Una nube d'inceso al ciel volava,

E dolcemente da ogni labbro uscia:

Ave Maria.


Nella blanda mestizia di quell'ora

Tutta serenità di paradiso,

Il cavaliere che sospiro ognora

M'apparve, e a lungo ci guardammo in viso:

Fu vana allora la preghiera mia,

Ave Maria.


Dall'azzurro del ciel stendi la mano

A me infelice dal dolore affranta;

Deh! ch'io non pianga e non t'invochi invano,

Arridi all'amor mio, Vergine santa:

Abbi pietà di me, Vergine pia.

Ave Maria.

Towards the shining golden domes

Sounded the melody of the organ;

On the windows the day was slowly dying;

A cloud of incense was floating Heavenward,

And softly from every lip came:

Ave Maria.


In the mild sadness of that hour,

All serenity of paradise,

The Knight continually sighing appeared to me,

And, for a long time, we looked each other in the face: My prayer was then in vain,

Ave Maria.


From the blue of the Heavens He stretches out his hand To me stricken in grief;

Ah! That I do not cry and do not invoke You in vain,

Smile upon my love, Holy Virgin,

Have mercy on me, Pious Virgin,

Ave Maria.





Ave Maria! Neig' dein Angesicht,

Hochheil'ge Mutter, über uns vom Himmel;

Die Sonne sank, der Tag zerbricht

Und stille steht der Lebenden Gewimmel.

Ave Maria! Unter deine Schleier hüll' gnädig ein

Die müde Menschenwelt,

Dein ist die Nacht und dein die Totenfeier,

So Gnade mir, wann dieser Leib zerbricht.

Ave Maria! Die Glocke ruft:

Wie vor der Nacht der Tag,

Wird vor der Ewigkeit die Zeit sich schwärzen,

Wer dich erkannt und die vertrauen mag,

Schlaf kindlich ein

Und lächle dir am Herzen,

Dein milder Hauch durchatmet all Fernen,

Die Erde sinkt, die Zeit zerbricht.

Ave Maria! Neige, o neige von den Sternen

Hoch über uns dein Mutterangesicht.

Ave Maria!

Ave Maria! Look down,

holy mother, upon us from heaven;

the sun sets, the day is passed

and quiet stand the busy throng.

Ave Maria! Enfold mercifully in your veils

this weary human world,

yours is the night and yours the refuge of the departed, have mercy on me, ere this body doth perish. Ave Maria! The bell tolls:

as before the night the day,

time will fade away before eternity,

you know who are among the faithful,

asleep peacefully

and smile upon our hearts,

your mild breath infuses everything,

the earth sinks, timelessness prevails.

Ave Maria! Look, o look down from the stars

above us our compassionate mother.

 Ave Maria!

(translation: Walter Rotschild)